Die junge welt zitiert aus der Pressemitteilung des Bündnisses »NS-Verherrlichung stoppen«
Die junge welt zitiert aus der Pressemitteilung des Bündnisses »NS-Verherrlichung stoppen«
von: 30. Januar 2023
,This year, far-right, nationalist organisations will again attempt to seize public space in the capital on the eve of 11 February on the pretext of the „Day of Honour“. The event is intended to commemorate the Hungarian and German soldiers who died in the siege of Budapest in 1945, during the breakout. The Hungarian organisers include Hatvannégy Vármegye and Légió Hungária, while the foreign sponsors include Blood and Honour. The event was not allowed by the police or the Curia last year because of its glorifying authoritarian regime, but despite this the Légio Hungaria appeared at the Buda Castle, so it is expected that they will try to hold their commemoration again this year.
The first „Day of Honour“ was organised by MIÉP in 1997, and since then the strongest group on the right has always hosted visitors from many countries. In Budapest, the wearing of authoritarian symbols has always been better tolerated than in other European capitals, within the framework of „tradition-keeping“.
In recent years, there are many pictures of marchers in SS or Wehrmacht uniforms wearing swastikas.
Under current law, any celebration that would relativise the crimes of fascist terror is not permitted. So far this year, the police have already imposed three bans on several locations and persons for this reason.
Counter-demonstrations have varied in intensity over the years, with 500 more anti-racist
please share this event, invite your friends and plan your day accordingly
„Laut der Kulturwissenschaftlerin Magdalena Marsovszky fand der Gedenktag durch die Regierung Viktor Orbáns den Weg in die offizielle Erinnerungspolitik und beeinflusse heute kulturpolitisch das gesamte Ungarn.“